Butyl Diglycol Acetate (Bdga)
Used as a drying inhibitor in paints.
Butyl Glycol Acetate (Bga)
Used as a solvent in paint and paint industry.
Pm Acetate (Pma)
Provides excellent solvency for substances such as acrylic, nitrocellulose and polyurethane paint resins.
Ethyl Glycol Acetate (Ega)
Used as a solvent in printer’s ink, packaging ink, paint and cellulose manufacturing.
Ethyl Acetate
Used in printing and packaging and in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, printer’s ink and aluminum foil.
Methyl Acetate
Used as a solvent and diluent in paints, varnish, adhesive, printing and packaging, inks etc.
Butyl Acetate
Used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, lacquers, and textiles.